Thursday, 11 August 2011

KEAM result 2011 | Kerala Engineering and Medical Trial Allotment 2011 published | KEAM 2011 |

KEAM Trial Allotment 2011 - Commissioner of Entrance Examinations published the Trial allotment in Kerala Engineering, Architecture, Medical Admission (KEAM-2011) on 10th August 2011 around 7 pm. The options registered by students till 5 pm on August 9 are taken for the Trial Allotment.

This is only indicative of the positions and branches likely to receive in the actual allotment on 18th August 2011. Admission to Professional Degree Courses - 2011.

Check your Kerala Engineering and Medical First Trial Allotment 2011 by entering Roll Number, Application Number and Key Number at following website

Click below link to view last rank details of this allotment.

BRAOU PG UG Results 2011 | Andhra Pradesh Open University PG UG Results 2011 | Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University PG UG Results 2011

Hi all BRAOU students, Your UG Exam results has been out and you can check the same in the link provided below. I have also mentioned the procedure how to obtain your result. All the best.

About Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), known as Andhra Pradesh Open University, is located in the city of Hyderabad. With a wide  206 study centers spread throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh, the University's "Education at Your Doorstep". The University, the first of its kind in the Country was brought into being through an act of Andhra Pradesh State  in August,1982.

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) UG EXAM RESULTS SPELL-I MAY,2011 have been published today .Candidate who have attended the exam can check your results

1. Vist below official website link
2. Enter your hall ticket number and Year for getting the UG Results
3. Enter Submit 

OUAT CEE result 2011 | | OUAT UG Entrance Results 2011 | OUAT Orissa University of Agriculture Merit Lists For U.G. Common Entrance Examination 2011

Hi Orissa folks, Orissa University of Agriculture OUAT merit list for UG CEE 2011 is out and the same is available in the link provided below. You all are requested to visit below link. All the best

About Orissa University of Agriculture
In 1961, the Legislature of the State of Orissa enacted the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Act, 1961with the object of establishing and incorporating a University of Agriculture and Technology for the agricultural education of the people of the State. The Orissa University took its birth on 24th August, 1962 when it was inaugurated by Prof. John K. Galbraith

Orissa University of Agriculture OUAT Merit Lists For U.G. Common Entrance Examination 2011 result is available online | DHSE | ODISHA | ORISSA – Plus 2 admission 2011-12, Junior College Merit List – Second Selection

Department of Higher Education, Orissa has Published the Junior  College Merit List – Second Selection, Plus 2  admission 2011-12. Candidates can check their status in the official website which is mentioned below.

About DHE Orissa
The Department of Higher Education of the State Looks after education at University, Post-Graduate, Graduate and Higher Secondary level. It also provides Vocational Education in order to prepare the Youth for self-employment. The Department also promotes professional courses in Government and Private Sector. The Department further provides grant to a number of specialized and research institutes like Naba Krushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies and Institute of Physics

To know your application status, follow the link given below.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

RGUKT IIIT Counseling, Rank list, Merit list |

Hi all RGUKT students, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies aka RGUKT Counseling for IITK is out and you all can get the same in below link

Search the respective counseling dates for the selected candidates today – 11-08-2011 from 2 P.M. The Selected candidates for counseling from 20th of August 2011 shall report in person at the allotted RGUKT Campus  for verification of original certificates and documents along with the details provided in the application form. 

Use the Appropriate links provided below for your reference.

List of Selected Candidates for RGUKT Counseling | CCS BA MA MCom LLB Admit Card 2011 | Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Hi all CCS University students. Following admit cards are going to be available on website todays

1  M.A I, M.Com I, BA I, BAII, Private Admit Card
2  LLB-II, LLB-III, BA I, BA II, BA III Regular Admit Card

Chaudhary Charan Singh University BA MA MCom LLB Admit Card  2011- Regular & Private Admit Card Colleges Entrance Exam 2011 is published today .The admit card is available in the following in the  official Website | | Gulbarga University MBA MA MSC MCOM MA Results 2011

Gulbarga University will publish the results of MBA, MA, MSC, MCOM and MCA shortly. Gulbarga University Results 2011 will be available on the official result page. Direct link to the result page have been given below. Gulbarga University Results of BA, BSC, BCOM, BBM and BCA  were announced in July, 2011 on the official website. Now it's the  time for results of MCA and MBA – Gulbarga University – 2011
Visit the below link and get Gulbarga University MCA Results 2011.

About Gulbarga University:
Established in the year 1980 by an Act of Karnataka State, Gulbarga University has a significant history of imparting quality education to the students. Through its 305 affiliated colleges, leading faculty members and a wide range of courses offered in the field of arts, commerce, fine arts, music, social sciences, technology, education and law, Gulbarga University has been empowering students through knowledge, inclusive growth for socio-economic change and sustainable development. Gulbarga University is one of the proactive Universities to have implemented the ‘outreach model’ of education to achieve their mission of equipping students with relevant knowledge, competence and creativity to face global challenges and also contributing significantly in producing quality and employable talent pool and also furthering the cause of GER in India.

To get Gulbarga University MCA,MBA,MSC,MA and MCOM Results 2011 refer below link.

BOSER Secondary/Sr. Secondary Results 2011 for Waiting Candidates |

Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan(BOSER) has announced results for Secondary and Senior Secondary Exams for those candidates who were in doubt of Copying or using unfair means during the test. In this regard, they were called for clarification.

In the situation of not acceptance of blames, they were called to be present in front of Inspection Officer to clear their blames. After the detailed inspection, candidates whose blames were found wrong, their results have been announced and available here online.


The history of the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (BSER) is a remarkable panorama of progressive record of the futurological vision for developing a dynamic system of various sub-systems of examinations and highlights of the academic excellence of the last four decades. The BSER took rapid strides for promotion and development of Secondary Education in Rajasthan, spread over 3,42,239 sq. km. and in more than 6000 schools located in 32 districts involving 8.5 lakhs students for Secondary and Senior Secondary Examination in the year 2000. 

With the promulgation of the Rajasthan Secondary Education Act in 1957, this Board was set up in Jaipur on 4th Dec, 1957. It was shifted to Ajmer in 1961. In the year 1973 it began functioning in its present multistoried building with an enchanting dignity of its own with all amenities.

To get BOSER Secondary/Sr. Secondary Results 2011 refer to this link:

Osmania University M.E. / MTech PTPG Entrance Result 2011


Greetings from Osmania University and Welcome to Osmania University's Web Site. I invite you to explore our site and see for yourself the many resources available that makes this University unique. Osmania University, established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in India, the third oldest in south India and the first to be established in the erstwhile princely state of Hyderabad. Throughout its existence of over eight decades, it has shown remarkable progress and sustained an integrated development of all faculties. It has significantly contributed to the academic and economic development of not only the region but also of the Country. Its alumni have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally in various spheres of life and are spread far and wide around the world.

Download your results from here

MPSC Results 2011 for SI Pre Exam | | MPSC Police Sub Inspector Pre Exam 2011 results

Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has announced Police Sub Inspector Pre Exam 2011 results. List of qualified candidates has been issued by MPSC. List of MPSC results 2011 is available to download here online. District wise results are provided by MPSC. Exam was held on 26th June 2011.
MPSC conducts examination for appointments to the service of Government of Maharashtra and its associated organizations. It advises the state Government on matters related to methods of recruitment to the various services, aptness of candidates for recruitment to the services through promotions, deputations and transfers and others.
In addition, in Maharashtra, the Commission is holding departmental exams for certain Government Departments for employees of their Departments.
To download MPSC SI Pre Exam Results 2011 refer to this link:

Deen Dayal Upadhyay B.A. Part I Exam Result 2011 |

Hi all, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University,Gorakhpur student. B.A. Part I Exam Result 2011 has been out. You all can fast check the same in the link given below. All the very best

The University
The University of Gorakhpur is a teaching and residential-cum-affiliating University. It is situated at a distance of about 2 kilometers form the downtown to the east and almost walking distance from railway station to the south. Although the idea of residential University at Gorakhpur was first mooted by Dr. C.J. Chako, the then Principal of St. Andrews College, then under Agra University, who initiated post-graduate and undergraduate science teaching in his college, the idea got crystallized and took concrete shape by the untiring efforts of Late Pt. S.N.M. Tripathi. The proposal was accepted in principle by the first Chief Minister of U.P., Late Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, but it was only in 1956 that the University came into existence by an act passed by the U.P. Legislature. It actually started functioning since September 1, 1957, when the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law and Education were started. In the following year, 1958, the faculty of science came into being. Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Agriculture came into existence in later years. Late Mahant Digvijay Nath also made valuable contribution in the formation of the University. The Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College.

University of Mysore Examination Results 2011 | University of Mysore B.Ed. CBCS SCHEME Examination Results May / June 2011 |

Hi all Karnataka folks, University of Mysore (Karnataka) Examination Results 2011B.Ed. (CBCS SCHEME) Examination Results May / June 2011 has been out. You all can avail result in the link mentioned below. All the very best.

The University of Mysore is among the foremost institutions of its kind, and is an enduring symbol in the sphere of higher education in India. It was founded by the then Maharaja of Mysore, His Highness Sri Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV and his Dewan, the renowned engineer  - statesman, Sir M.Visvesvaraya, on July 27, 1916. The Maharaja of Mysore became its first Chancellor. A Bill to establish and incorporate the University was introduced in Mysore Legislative Council in 1916. It was passed unanimously on 17th July 1916. The first meeting of the University Council was held on 12th August 1916 and the first meeting of the Senate on 12th October 1916.

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University,bhilai MPharmacy 1st,2nd Reg/Backlog Results

Hi all Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, bhilai students, MPharmacy 1st,2nd Reg/Backlog Results 2011 has been out. You all can check the details in below link. All the very best.

The University

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) has been established by an Act(No.25 0f 2004) of Legislature passed by the Chhattisgarh State Govt. Assembly, wide notification No.639/21-A/Prarupan/2004 date 21st Jan 2005 and published in the State Govt. gazette 24th January, 2005. The University incorporates the purpose of ensuring systematic, efficient and qualitative education in engineering and technological subjects including Architecture and Pharmacy at Research, Postgraduate, Degree and Diploma level. The foundation stone of the University was laid down by Hon'ble Dr. Manmohan Sigh, the Prime Minister, Govt. of India on April 30th 2005.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Burdwan University BCom BSc Results 2011 | BU BA/BSC BCOM First -Second-Third-1st-2nd-3rd Year Results

 Burdwan University BCom  BSc 3rd Year  Results 2011 have been published on 10 th August 2011 11 AM.

Result will be available online after 11.30 only. Youa all are advised to keep visiting this website for the latest information on the results.

About University
Burdwan University started on 15th June, 1960, with Sukumar Sen, an ICS, as its first Vice-chancellor. It was after the abolition of the Zamindari system in the fifties that Uday Chand Mahtab, the last representative of the Burdwan Raj, showed his magnanimity in leaving almost his entire property of Burdwan at the disposal of the state government. This, coupled with the initiative of the then Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, facilitated the establishment of this university. Presently, the administrative works are mostly done at Rajbati (the palace of Barddhamana Maharaja) campus; on the other hand, academic activities center around the Golapbag campus mainly.

Candidate who have attended the exam can check your results in the official website

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur Result of Final B.E. Civil Engg., Information Technology , Mining Engg - Session 2010-2011

Hi all Rajastan guys, Result of Final B.E. (Civil Engg., Information Technology , Mining Engg) - Session 2010-2011 of Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur has been out. You all are advised to vist the result link given below in order to avail your results.

About University
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (MPUAT), the second Agricultural University of the state, (initially named as Agricultural University, Udaipur) came into existence on 1st November, 1999 by bifurcation of the Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner through promulgation of Government of Rajasthan Ordinance No. 6 of 1999, which became an Act in May, 2000.  This has been done in view of wide physiographic variation including crops, cropping pattern, climate, soil parameters, etc. in the largest state of the country. Moreover, it was difficult to manage stipulated task of teaching, research and extension activities as per the mandate set-forth through a single University in the state.  Besides this, it provides new fillip to location specific programmes more suited to tribal belt specifically for the southern Rajasthan. The University started functioning in full swing with effect from December 1, 1999.